Product Structure Management - Customer Attributes

sophisTex Customer Attributes for SAP PLM Product Structure Management provides a generic approach to store and display information in SAP PLM 7 Web PSM and optionally als in SAP iPPE in SAPGUI.

It offers huge flexibility with a role-based display of the attributes, the definition of view groups with filtering and splitting functionality, offers a sophisticated multi-value support and is fully integrated with all DDIC functionality.


The SAP PLM 7 WebUI Product Structure Management (PSM) application offers a very generic data model, but no generic approach to customer specific attributes. The SAP classification system with characteristics values can be used, but it does not offer enough flexibility for most customer requirements such as a role-based display of attributes, a specific view layout showing and hiding attributes, or having flexible mandatory attributes.

Our solution offers a very generic approach that fulfills all requirements when it comes to custom attribute handling in the PSM environment for the technical objects Node, Relations and Variants (iPPE / PSM objects).


sophisTex Customer Attributes for SAP PLM Product Structure Management provides a generic approach to store and display information in SAP PLM 7 Web PSM and optionally in SAP iPPE in SAPGUI.

It offers huge flexibility with a role-based display of the attributes, the definition of view groups with filtering and splitting functionality, offers a sophisticated multi-value support and is fully integrated with all DDIC functionality.


  • Customizable Attribute Selector limits display of attributes to pre-defined groups.
  • Restriction can be influenced by user rights and authorization checks.
  • Not relevant fields disable mandatory fields.
  • New fields can be added by Customizing without changing the technical implementation.

Compared to the classification system, it offers substianitally more flexibility and functionality:

  • Role-based display of attributes.
  • Definition of view groups for user-centric interface.
  • Split view groups to multiple tab-strips.
  • Fully integrated with DDIC values and translatable text.
  • Flexible single and multi-value support.
  • Mandatory conditions switchable during runtime.